>>>Limbo presenta a Green Lion<<<
Este viernes 1 de marzo a las 20:00 tendremos en nuestro escenario al artista noruego Anders Grønlien.
Él mismo lo define como un ritual sónico en el que se mezclan guitarras dispares que se extienden a un sonido ambiental, que crean una experiencia sonora inmersiva.
A destacar la vestimenta de Green Lion, que encierra elementos visuales exportados desde contextos religiosos. Los diseñadores One Day (Praga, República Checa), rediseñan el traje convencional de los nazarenos para adaptarlo a este ritual.
••• Folk, drone, post rock, psicodelia •••
Limbo has the pleasure to invite you to join a sonic ritual performed by Green Lion on friday first of March 2019.
Green Lion is the moniker for the musical performances of the Norwegian artist Anders Grønlien.
Grønlien´s musical composition Song of the Green Lion (#3) moves dynamically from slow romantic adagio scores, into rythmical and hypnotic bluesdrones that search for a connection to a tribal spirit of overtone harmonics. This Guitarbased fusion of seemingly disparate styles stretches out into a ambient soundmantra which eventually becomes an immersive sonic experience.
The performance you will see this evening is an extraction from Grønlien´s gesamtkunstwerke Spirit World Rising, shown at Kostka Gallery / Meetfactory in Prague in 2016.
The minimal gestures of an ancient ritual of fertility sets the stage for a shamanic mise en scene in which Grønlien´s performs in a specially designed costume.
The ritual dress that Grønlien wears is a composed as a syncretic hybrid of visual elements exported from religious contexts.
Flying the Andalusian colors of dark green white and black, the costume is based on Paralithurgic Nazareno dress, re-designed in collaboration with fashiondesigners One-Day from Prague.
The ornamental print on the back is a reworking of relief-panels from Medina Azahara, surging through the performer to the costumes front print which is adopted from a comparatively similar motif from the Assyrian palace of Ashurnasirpal II at Nimrud.
Historical and contemporary signifactors in ritual gestures, sound and dress comes together to create an alchemy of unity that stretching across eons. Join us in this incantation for the coming of spring.
link to soundcloud:
Excerpt from Spirit World Rising II Galerie Papirna, plzen, 2017:
AVU Matineé session at the academy of fine arts in Prague 2018: